Future in the north-west.

Future in the north-west.

The future in the northwest The „Übermorgen“ (Day after Tomorrow) supplement of the Nordwestzeitung is about visions for the future of Northwest Germany. For the cover design I mixed futuristic structures with traditional landmarks of the region. As I was...
Insurance Markets

Insurance Markets

Insurance Markets The world of insurance is changing. The insurance industry in Europe has to deal with new challenges, digital providers and competition from the USA and China....
Various cover illustrations for „Bankmagazin“

Various cover illustrations for „Bankmagazin“

Various cover illustrations for Bankmagazin Since 2015, I have been regularly drawing the cover illustrations for Bankmagazin, a trade magazine specifically for banks and savings banks. My job is to come up with a new image each time for the often abstract topics from...
Stock Market Zoology

Stock Market Zoology

Stock Market Zoology There are several strange animals inhabiting the financial world. Most people will probably know the bull and the bear, representing the ups and downs of financial markets. The black swan symbolises an unsuspected event of large consequences,...
The Tall Tale of Climate Progress

The Tall Tale of Climate Progress

The Tall Tale of Climate Progress Cover illustration for a Greenpeace analysis. In it, Greenpeace says that the three big German car manufacturers have done far too little to reduce the CO2 emissions of the cars they have sold since 2006. It calculates the CO2 impact...
Portraits for Businesspunk

Portraits for Businesspunk

Portraits for Businesspunk Since 2022 I have been drawing the portraits for a regular column in Businesspunk magazine. Each one tells the story of a business failure, be it a start-up or a superstar. And sometimes the protagonists are back in the saddle faster than...