Physics Moves

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the learning portal Leifiphysik invited students to go on a photographic journey of discovery and take part in its photo competition under the motto „Physics moves – from the atom to the zebra“.
I drew this hidden object picture for their poster showing all kinds of physical phenomena.

Client: Joachim Herz Stiftung
Agency: Kombinatrotweiss

Dialogue pictures are a great way to convey complex information clearly and concisely. Messages in a complex topic environment are easier to understand and better remembered. Depending on how they are designed, they can communicate seriously, factually, humorously, lightly or in line with a brand language.
They can be used in a variety of ways, both internally for training and employee communication and externally for customer communication and marketing campaigns. Employees, managers and customers literally find themselves in the picture and identify with it.